Easy Email Newsletters



Smart email deliveryWe design smart, professional email newsletters, share them on social networks, and track your results.

The product we use is a whitelisted sender (meaning 99% of the time it gets through spam filters, including xtra). Unsubscribes and invalid email addresses are removed automatically.

You can have as many different subscriber lists as you want as well as a signup form embedded into your website to increase your database.

Campaign Tracking

Everything is tracked for you. Opens, clicks, bounces and forwarded campaigns – to keep you on top of your performance with awesome reports.

Pricing ranges from free to pay-as-you-go to a monthly subscription.
Please talk to us about the best option for you.


Costs: $600 inc GST for initial campaign
$225 for each following campaign (using existing template)

Includes: designing your template, importing a list and assigning mail groups and preparing a campaign (after that you can also send your own based on our template).